In latest development, famous Bandhavgarh tiger B2 died far away from Bandhavgarh. Death of B2 was confirmed by Field Director of Bandhavgarh. He was found near Churi Village of Shahdol district in Madhya Pradesh. He was discovered in injured state and was tranquillized for treatment but later he passed away. He was about 16years old and has achieved life time achievement award in past. B2 as pushed out from his territory by young male tiger and was not seen since long time. Old age is clumsy face of royal life of tiger. It is the painful time of their life from which every aged tiger have to pass. Death of B2 tiger is a closure of an important chapter of Bandhavgarh Tigers.
Rest in peace B2. We pay our homage to legend B2.
Rest in peace B2. We pay our homage to legend B2.