Final verdict of Madhya Pradesh Forest Department came out. Mirchaini tigress cubs awarded lifetime imprisonment at Van Vihar Zoo in Bhopal city. Investigating officers & department did their duties. Within 48hrs they found the killers tigers of Bandhavgarh, declared them man-eaters and shifted them to Van Vihar Bhopal.
When dictators gives verdict, nobody can raise voice against such decision whether it is justified or not. Similar situation is here with forest department. They are the actual king, they take one sided decision, right or wrong it doesn't matter. They have their own work culture and system and is far away from sensitivity towards animals and justice for animals. Wild animals can't speak, unable to give any explanation, not in a position to organize and protest. Forest department is taking advantage of all these weak point of animal society.
When dictators gives verdict, nobody can raise voice against such decision whether it is justified or not. Similar situation is here with forest department. They are the actual king, they take one sided decision, right or wrong it doesn't matter. They have their own work culture and system and is far away from sensitivity towards animals and justice for animals. Wild animals can't speak, unable to give any explanation, not in a position to organize and protest. Forest department is taking advantage of all these weak point of animal society.
When Jhurjhura tigress killed inside Bandhavgarh National Park, first they blamed tourists, interrogated local safari jeep operators, blamed others, narrated different stories, put restriction in tourism activity. When NGO's opposed them, raised their voice then few names of Forest Department officials came out and case forwarded to different investigating agencies. Investigation outcome is still awaited since more than 01 year. Accused are still roaming freely, their is no rule to declare them danger to animals and imprison them as they could repeat the same incidence in future also. That was not the killing of a single tigress but destruction of a whole tiger family. Within few months one of her cub died. Indirectly, same accused are responsible for the death of cub also.
How can we expect fair investigations by Forest Department. Here it shows slackness & deliberate delay, loopholes and partiality in their investigation. Such experiences raises following question in our mind:
- With this how can we expect justice to wild animals?
- Does it mean laws made by human society, is only for their personal benefit and not for sake of justice to animals?
- Delay is justice is similar to denial of justice to Jhurjhura tigress & animal lovers?
- Can we expect impartial investigations by Forest Department?
- By shifting tigers to zoos, can we expect to avoid any future man-animal conflict?
- Why can't we do the same with accused of Jhurjhura tigress and they may also repeat the similar offence?
- Can we expect a level of intelligence among wild animals in which they could distinguish boundaries laid by human beings, human society supremacy, laws laid by human society, laws for animal welfare, behavior expected from animals by human beings?
- Why forest department adopts double standard in investigation when a tigress killed and when a human being killed?