Patour tigress is active in Panpatha zone as Patour village lies their. It is about 6-7kms from Tala village. It was in news in past as tigress was poisoned their in past. Due to presence of human society, chances of man-animal conflict always remain persistent. It is good to relocate tigress from here as it will reduce pressure in forest and to some extent avoids chances of man-animal conflict.
July 29, 2011
Tigers re-location from Bandhavgarh to Madhav National Park
Patour tigress is active in Panpatha zone as Patour village lies their. It is about 6-7kms from Tala village. It was in news in past as tigress was poisoned their in past. Due to presence of human society, chances of man-animal conflict always remain persistent. It is good to relocate tigress from here as it will reduce pressure in forest and to some extent avoids chances of man-animal conflict.
July 9, 2011
Mirchaini Tigress cubs shifted to Van Vihar Bhopal
When dictators gives verdict, nobody can raise voice against such decision whether it is justified or not. Similar situation is here with forest department. They are the actual king, they take one sided decision, right or wrong it doesn't matter. They have their own work culture and system and is far away from sensitivity towards animals and justice for animals. Wild animals can't speak, unable to give any explanation, not in a position to organize and protest. Forest department is taking advantage of all these weak point of animal society.
- With this how can we expect justice to wild animals?
- Does it mean laws made by human society, is only for their personal benefit and not for sake of justice to animals?
- Delay is justice is similar to denial of justice to Jhurjhura tigress & animal lovers?
- Can we expect impartial investigations by Forest Department?
- By shifting tigers to zoos, can we expect to avoid any future man-animal conflict?
- Why can't we do the same with accused of Jhurjhura tigress and they may also repeat the similar offence?
- Can we expect a level of intelligence among wild animals in which they could distinguish boundaries laid by human beings, human society supremacy, laws laid by human society, laws for animal welfare, behavior expected from animals by human beings?
- Why forest department adopts double standard in investigation when a tigress killed and when a human being killed?
July 8, 2011
Kanha National Park will receive 50 Black bucks
Environment ministry has allowed re-location of 50 black bucks from Narsinghgarh (80kms from Bhopal) forest to Kanha National Park. Re-location is likely to take place in winter season. In recent months, Environment ministry has allowed many wildlife animals relocation to other forest areas that matches to their requirement & favorable for adaptation.
Blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra) is a antelope species that can be seen in few wildlife sanctuaries of Madhya Pradesh like Satpura National Park, Nauradehi forest, Dheoni, Ratapani, Bori etc. But they are not available in Kanha, Pench & Bandhavgarh tiger reserves. Among male & female, male is more attractive than female in species of Black buck.
In recent time Forest department of Madhya Pradesh has successfully relocated tigers in Panna National Park. First phase of Gaur relocation to Bandhavgarh has already been completed and second phase in yet to be done. It is time for Barasingha to Satpura National Park & Black buck relocation to Kanha.
Earlier till 1990, Black bucks were seen in Kanha forest. As per local safari guides, last sighting was of 02 blackbucks in Kanha who later disappeared. Since then, no black bucks seen in Kanha. Recent move will help to rehabilitate them in Kanha and will add one more jewel in wildlife Kanha Tiger Reserve. Project is underway and we wish Forest Department, all the very best.
Bandhavgarh- Forest Guard Killed & Eaten up in Tiger Attack
On 07/July/2011, a forest guard was killed by tiger and body was found on 08/July/2011 in Bandhavgarh National Park. He was attacked by Mirchahani tigress or by her cubs close to Machkheta Village , which is about 2km from park boundary, close to Central Point area. He was contractual guard and known as Santosh Kumar Yadav of 30years age. He was appointed in Hardiha Camp of Bandhavgarh National Park Core area.
Guard was on leave and went to Machkheta village. In evening, he went in wild to arrange some wood. Unfortunately he moved close to tigress or her cubs and was attacked & killed by them. His body was dragged inside the park area by tiger. On next day, in search operation, his bones & some clothes were found which reveals that he was consumed by cubs in overnight time.
Our local representative says, it is close to the same area where 02 human beings were killed on May month by tigress attack. Since then forest department has allocated elephants on duty to see tigress with cubs do not go close to village. Forest department officials and even local villagers suspects that it could be done by cubs of Mirchahani Tigress as they are still learning how to hunt down their prey and how to adjust with human society. They are not aware of the fact that human beings are not their natural prey and could have committed the killing in ignorance. But it is a severe offense committed by them and their is more possibility of villagers retaliation. Mirchahani tigress and her cubs are in danger and under scanner now. Forest department has beefed-up monitoring in this region.
Forest officials & experts are scared if cubs could be turned into man-eaters. In case, they become or delcared man-eater then they will be captured and send to zoo for rest of the life. It is a kind of life imprisonment for them. If we look into past, in similar case, a leopard from Kanha National Park was captured and send to Van Vihar National Park (open zoo) in Bhopal city of Madhya Pradesh state, Central India. Their is another worst possibility in which they may be killed by villagers as such incidences happened many time in Bandhavgarh, in past.
July 3, 2011
31 More Bisons for Bandhavgarh National Park
In recent development, Central Government allowed translocation of 31 more Gaurs from Kanha National Park to Bandhavgarh. Wildlife experts from WII Dehradun have recommended 50 bisons for Bandhavgarh and government is acting on their advice. Earlier in 20/Jan/2011, 19 Gaurs were shifted from Kanha to Bandhavgarh. During this time 4 of them died and two new babies born. At present only 17 bison are roaming in Bandhavgarh Forest, mainly in Magdhi zone forest but as per local safari guides, their sighting is not easy, they are in stress and are still trying to get adapted to their new home.
With the introduction of new bisons, their population will increase which will release stress of new environment & area among existing bisons. Increase in population will definitely help them all to get adapted to their new home comfortably. Earlier when 19 bisons were re-located, they were put into an enclosure in Magadhi zone and later they were released to open forest. Among them 02 of them died due to disease, one was missing since long time (probability of being killed by tiger) and fourth one was killed by tigerss with cubs in Magadhi zone. 02 Experts of Wildlife Institute of India have been entitled to observe movement & behavior of gaurs. Adult gaurs have been radio-collared.