Air Taxi service has been started between Jabalpur & Bhopal city. Now one can travel from Jabalpur to Bhopal in approx. 01:00hours. From 08/Sept/2011, this services has been formally started. Chief Minister of State announced the formal commencement of this service. This service is run by Madhya Pradesh State Tourism Development Corporation in collaboration with Ventura Ariconnect. Similar service will also connect all 4 major cities of Madhya Pradesh State i.e. Indore, Bhopal, Gwalior & Jabalpur. In India, Madhya Pradesh is the first state to begin such service to establish better connectivity for business & tourism development in state. Seating capacity of given air-craft is 12. Public response against this service is good and company is getting customers as per their expectation.
Actual distance between Jabalpur & Bhopal is about 350kms. Usually it takes 7 to 8 hours to cover this distance by road and about 06:00hrs by train. With this facility we can cover the distance in just 01:00hours with comfort. If we see this in broader way, it connects wildlife tourism sector of Madhya Pradesh with pilgrimage sector of Madhya Pradesh which is a great achievement of Madhya Pradesh Tourism Department.
Actual distance between Jabalpur & Bhopal is about 350kms. Usually it takes 7 to 8 hours to cover this distance by road and about 06:00hrs by train. With this facility we can cover the distance in just 01:00hours with comfort. If we see this in broader way, it connects wildlife tourism sector of Madhya Pradesh with pilgrimage sector of Madhya Pradesh which is a great achievement of Madhya Pradesh Tourism Department.